It is time for a new start!
Register a new business or start a new company with us.
Why is business registration so important?
Registering a new business is the first and one of the most important steps you take as a business owner. Your business does not exist legally until it is registered. It also gives you access to funding and income-earning opportunities.
Get the support you need for hassle-free business registrations and incorporations. Choose the package that meets your needs now.
Our Business Registration Packages
Sole Trader Registration
Individuals starting a business alone-
Registration only
Partnership Registration
2 - 20 Partners-
Registration only
Company Incorporation
Limited liability company formation-
Company Incorporation only
Sole Trader Bundle
3 Year Cash flow projections
Bank Letter
Incorporation Bundle
3 Year Cashflow Projections
Bank Letters
NPO Bundle
3 Year Cashflow Projections
Bank Account opening letters
Additional Services
Business Registration Requirements
To begin registration, each Owner/Director for a business or company is required to create a CROS account with the Ministry of Legal Affairs. The following requirements are needed for every business owner (Sole Traders, Partners or Director) for the business to be registered.
Applicant’s Information:
- Birth certificate PIN (applicable to nationals of Trinidad and Tobago only)
- Full name and any former name
- Nationality at birth and current nationality
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Occupation
- Email address
- Current residential address and postal address
- Where applicable, the list of companies and businesses with which you have an association
Required Documents:
- Birth certificate
If your birth certificate is not in English, you must also provide a translation from a Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs approved translator. The birth certificate and translation must be uploaded as one attachment.
- Two forms of photo identification ○ E.g. passport, national identification card or driver’s permit.
- Headshot (selfie) which clearly shows one of the submitted forms of photo identification next to your face.
- Deed poll or other documentation evidencing the change of name, if your name has changed.